Monday 25 July 2011

iPad's Market Share Said to have Fallen to 61.3 Percent

Reuters reports today on new figures from Strategy Analytics, which say that Apple’s iPad only had a 61.3 percent share of the tablet market in the second quarter, not bad, of course, but down significantly from 94.3 percent in the year-ago quarter. According to Strategy Analytics’ figures, the second quarter of 2011 also saw Android increasing its market share to 30 percent, up from 2.9 percent in the year-ago quarter. However, as MacRumors reports, Strategy Analytics figures have come under some scrutiny and debate, in particular from Daring Fireball’s John Gruber, who says that Strategy Analytics only looks at shipped products, not tablets that have been actually purchased by customers, and therefore their figures don’t reflect the Android tablets that are left on store shelves

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