Saturday 13 August 2011

Is Apple Planning on Releasing an iCloud iPhone?

MacRumors reports today on a story on AppleNApps that says that Apple is looking at launching a cheaper iPhone this fall, which will come with very little memory out of the box, and will instead be much more reliant on streaming content via the iCloud service. As MacRumors notes, this rumour first surfaced back in February on Cult of Mac, way before iCloud was announced, so it’s interesting that it should resurface now. According to AppleNApps’ sources, the new phone is code named the “iCloud iPhone” to Apple insiders. These sources also say that the iCloud iPhone will be launched simultaneously this fall with a fully featured iPhone 5. AppleNApps adds that it has been told that the new iPhone 5 will be thinner, and will contain a version of the A5 chip that currently powers the iPad 2, whereas the iCloud iPhone will have very similar components to those that are currently to be found in the iPhone 4, with the lack of storage meaning that production costs will be much less, enabling Apple to drop its price to $400 without a contract or free on a two-year contract. AppleNApps also mentions that this cheaper iPhone will have an aluminium back and siding. There’s no way of knowing if there’s any truth to this rumour, but I can see it as being a brilliant way for Apple to launch the iCloud service, giving it maximum publicity alongside a new iPhone.

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