Friday, 22 March 2013

A Game of Thrones Android app guides you through the world of Westeros and beyond

Game of Thrones Android app guides you through the televised world of Westeros and beyond
Perhaps the second screen experience for HBO megahit show A Game of Thronesprovided through Xbox 360's SmartGlass functionality and HBO Go's iPad app isn't enough for you? And maybe you want a bit more of a George R. R. Martin touch to your Game of Thrones book companions? This week's release of "A Game of Ice and Fire" for Android -- the previously iOS-only Game of Thrones app that acts as an "official guide" to the series and its myriad characters / relationships / political struggles / etc. -- is clearly for you. And yes, it goes beyond what just the show covers; it can even be customized for spoilers based around how far you are.

The initial cost to download is nothing and comes with several characters as well as a companion for the first book, but for books two through five you'll need to grab the upgrades: $1 apiece, or $5 for those four plus an additional "InfoPack" which would otherwise cost $2 by itself. Those $2 "InfoPacks" include, "new characters and places and additional data and background info" (whatever that means), and more are expected in the future. The third season of A Game of Thrones kicks off on March 31st, and wouldn't you know it, this app is perfectly timed to accompany it. That's what we call synergy. Head to the Google Play link in the source link and grab it for free, or risk *paying the iron price.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Facebook's building something new, and we're liveblogging the announcement tomorrow!

Facebook had a banner year in 2012. It became a publicly-traded companyacquired Instagram, and continued to evolve its social network through added features and countless app updates. What're we gonna see from Mark Zuckerberg and pals in 2013? It's tough to tell, but at least part of Facebook's future will be revealed tomorrow when the company shows off something new it's been building. Might it be, at long last, the fabled Facebook phone?
--> There's only one way to find out, so join us tomorrow for our liveblog right here at 1:00pm ET, where you can learn all about the social network's next big thing.

Sonos offers up same bass, less shine with limited edition matte black Sub

Love floor-shaking bass, but can't stand the idea of accidentally catching your own reflection whilst seated on the couch? Good news -- well, limited good news, that is. Sonos has opted to make available a limited quantity of matte black Subs, in spite of its plans to focus on the gloss. Those deemed "loyal Sonos owners" can pick one up for $599 for the next fortnight by clicking the source link below. It's all first come, first serve. Once they're gone, you're matte out of luck.

Skitch 2.0 for Windows improves layout, performance, adds social sharing

DNP Skitch 20 for Windows Desktop refines layout and performance, enhances sharing
It's only been a few short months since the last Skitch for Windows 8 update, but before you can say "spring equinox," it's time for another one. Release 2.0 boasts a number of improvements over its predecessor that include an improved and streamlined layout which showcases the Capture menu, enhanced sharing with services like Twitter and Facebook, and a snappier performance overall. It's available today from or you can wait to snag one from the Windows Store in a few days.